
Keeping busy is more of a spiritual practice than anything else. Just BEING  lost in the process and keeping the energy flowing into something to listen to is all I could ask for, really. Serenity is having several little projects on the go that aren’t nagging but pleasantly waiting for me when the days are overcast. So here are the updates:

A sophomore Coco et Co. album is now completely mastered and ready to release, titled Saint Dominique. More details to come.

A follow up to Arcticalia is in the final overdubs stages which means there will be another Andrew Sisk album released in the near future.

There are several more secretive projects about dead poets, country drifter songs, and animated soundtracks that I will let you know as they come together as well.

Did you hear about the astronauts hearing music on the dark side of the moon? That’s kind of what we’re doing here, you and I.